5 Healthy Foods You Can Feed Your Dog

5 Healthy Foods You Can Feed Your Dog

5 Healthy Foods You Can Feed Your Dog


There are several different “human-foods” that dogs can in fact eat that are beneficial to their health. There’s a lot of information out there, but some of it is false or misrepresented. Below we will outline five healthy foods that your dog can eat.

1. Fish

Fish is an excellent source of protein for your dog and provides your pet with amino acids. Be careful to make sure that the fish is fully cooked before giving it to your pet as feeding them raw fish can be harmful.

2. Carrots 

Carrots are a great healthy, affordable snack for your dog to consume. I know my dogs will hardly touch vegetables, but carrots are an easy favorite for them. They like anything with a crunch to it!

Brianna Elliot, RD with Healthline writes: “Carrots are low in calories and a good source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber.” View the full article here. This means carrots are a go-to snack for your dog that won’t have them struggling to fit into last year’s Christmas sweater.

3. Applesauce

Applesauce is full of vitamins that are great for your pet. Applesauce contains vitamin C, which can boost your dog’s immune system. Your dog naturally produces vitamin C but sometimes dogs have trouble making this immune-boosting vitamin on their own. 

Bob Griswold and Nancy Kerns with Whole Dog Journal writes: “that when dogs are sick or stressed, they can rapidly deplete their bodies’ output of vitamin C”. View the full page here.

4. Turkey

Turkey is another great source of protein for your pet. When it comes to this delicious food it is best to give them just the meat. This means that any seasoning or skin should be removed before feeding this to your animal.

 Do not give your dog any turkey bones as it can be very harmful to them. Colleen Williams with PetCare Blogs writes that turkey bones can “lacerate different areas of the digestive tract, and are also a choking hazard”. View the full article here.

5. Watermelon

 This may seem like an odd food to feed your pet but it can be very nutritious. Watermelon contains vitamin A, which can be used to promote a healthy coat. Also, make sure you keep the seeds out as too many of them can hurt their tummies.


  Above we mentioned five simple foods that your pup can benefit from. There is a lot of misinformation out there regarding what foods your dog can and cannot eat, so be sure to do thorough research before giving your dog something new.

If you are concerned it is always best to consult with your veterinarian. What interesting foods have you fed your dog? Leave a comment below.


Dogs are just one part of your life, but to them, you are their whole life.

What has your experience been like with your beloved fur babies? Drop a comment below, we love feedback!

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5 reasons to give your dog CBD

5 reasons to give your dog CBD

5 Reasons to Give CBD to Your Dog 

CBD can provide your dog with a list of amazing benefits. With all of the information available, it may be difficult to understand the uses for it.  In this article, we will be discussing 5 common uses for CBD in pets.

1. Separation Anxiety

Because of CBD’s potential calming effect, it could work great with your dog’s separation anxiety. I like to give Moose (my 75-pound pitbull) a full dropper before I leave for work. It works wonders!

2. Joint Pain 

CBD has been proven to have a positive impact on joint pain in dogs. It has natural components that work great for older dogs with achy joints. We offer CBD pet treats which may be a simple solution for your dog’s joint pain. See store here.

3. Car Rides

We know some dogs out there who get freaked out from car rides. Especially car rides to the vet. Giving some CBD to your dog 30 minutes before a car ride may help ease their stress and may help make the trip more manageable.

4. Sleeping

Our pitbull, Moose, experienced a lot of nightmares before taking CBD. He used to yelp and flinch a lot throughout the night. Moose was abused by his previous owner and has a lot of anxiety that affects him today. CBD has helped a lot and now he sleeps like a baby. 

5. Chewing

If you have an issue with your dog chewing up things in your home CBD might be able to help. Dogs often chew things up because of pent up energy and/or stress. Because of CBD’s potential calming effects your dog wouldn’t be as stressed and would be less inclined to go on a chewing rampage. 


   As you read, there are a number of reasons to use CBD for your pet. What has your experience been with CBD? Leave a comment below! We always suggest talking with your veterinarian for any medical advice relating to the individual needs of your pet. 


Dogs are just one part of your life, but to them, you are their whole life.

What has your experience been like with your beloved fur babies? Drop a comment below, we love feedback!

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Joint Pain in Dogs

Joint Pain in Dogs

Joint Pain In Dogs

and how it is often overlooked during the busy holiday season


This time of the year may be a rough time for your four-legged friend. The winter months can have an effect on your pet’s joint pain due to colder weather and a lack of physical exercise.

It’s an easy problem to overlook, especially with how busy we are at this time of the year. As you will read in this article, you will see there are many ways to help alleviate physical stress for your dog including the use of CBD.

It’s Cold Outside

When exposed to colder temperatures and drops in pressure, our muscles and tendons expand, putting more strain and inflammation on our joints. “Because of the confined space within the body, this can cause pain, especially in joints affected by arthritis,” writes Kenneth Chakour, MD, who specializes in comprehensive joint care.

The same can be said for our dogs. Thankfully, there are many simple remedies to get your four-legged friend to feel more comfortable this winter. 

How you can help:

If you’ve got a pooch with shorter hair, consider walks with a stylish new sweater to help them stay warm. Due to the colder weather, your puppies may not be getting as much physical exercise as they need. One of the things I like to do is take my puppies with us on car rides, walks, and family trips.

This promotes activity and physical/mental stimulation. More exercise and muscle building can also help relieve stress on their joints caused by everyday activities. Another potential remedy that can be overlooked is the use of CBD.

CBD & Joint Pain

A recent study has shown that CBD can have real benefits for your pet. Researchers from Frontiers in Veterinary Science conducted a study on CBD for Osteoarthritis in dogs. They gave cannabidiol (CBD) to dogs with joint pain and reported that the “Veterinary assessment showed decreased pain during CBD treatment”. View the full article here. 

Cannabidiol works with your dog’s natural, internal “system” which can help alleviate things like emotional stress and pain. With holiday months affecting us all, CBD for your dog might just be the simple remedy you and your furry family member are looking for. 


    The cold weather matched with the busy holidays may be affecting your dog’s health. Unfortunately, this is something that is often overlooked by dog owners everywhere. Just be aware of it and utilize what you can to help. You always want to consult your veterinarian for any health concerns, but physical activity and the use of CBD for your pet might be a good place to start. What kind of problems come up for your dog during the colder months? Drop a comment below!


Dogs are just one part of your life, but to them, you are their whole life.

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Dogs are Not Just a Christmas Present

Dogs are Not Just a Christmas Present

Dogs are Not Just a Christmas Present

make sure you are ready for the commitment

Christmas time really isn’t so jolly for some of our beloved animals. We have a serious issue with animal abandonment this time of the year due to the “gifting” of dogs to unprepared owners. Experienced dog owners understand that their dogs require a lot of time and attention. It is crucial for the new group of holiday “dog enthusiasts” to understand one major point. That “gift” you received that brought you joy at that moment, is a 12+ year commitment to another living, breathing animal. Buying a dog is a decision that must be made with proper planning and commitment.

Why does this happen?

Local shelters see a spike in return rates in just the first week after Christmas, and through much of the month of January. It may be that these “dog owners” don’t fully understand the commitment that comes with getting a new dog. Kristy Wilkinson with The Holidog Times writes that many of these dogs are “bought impulsively, or after barely any research.”. View the full article here. The decision to add a new addition to the family should be carefully thought out.

(Look into it, your future dog thanks you.)

Preparation is Key

Before making the decision to adopt, consider if everyone in the family is ready for a new addition. You may be giving the dog to your young son/daughter, but you will ultimately be the one responsible for its care until your child is old enough to understand your dog’s needs. Try sitting down with your family and discussing who will be responsible for each basic need that your dog will have for the next 12+ years (like food, exercise, and playtime).

It Can Wait

If you are not prepared to have a new dog right now, that’s ok. There are many special occasions where you can “gift” a pet. Your child’s birthday would be a great opportunity to light up their world or maybe even Father’s Day to introduce a “man’s best friend”. You can use the time from now until then to research and prepare for the full scope of taking care of a pet.

The point is that we should make this decision based on understanding and preparation, not just the holidays.


A dog placed in a home that isn’t ready for it increases the chances of that dog being placed in a shelter. Make sure you’re ready by researching and preparing for the challenge of taking care of a new pet. It doesn’t have to be a rushed decision to “light up” the holidays. There are many fun occasions every year to “gift” a pet. We know they are amazing animals, just make sure you’re ready. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for more amazing content.


Dogs are just one part of your life, but to them, you are their whole life.

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What has your experience been like with your beloved fur babies? Drop a comment below, we love feedback!